If you want to buy a hose crimping machine or hydraulic hose crimper,you need to choose one crimping machine with good quality from many brands,also the hose crimping machine price must be competitive.We list some famous hydraulic hose crimper suppliers in the word,you may know one of them,if you are a freshman and have no idea about any of these brands,don’t worry,we know you are ready to see these suppliers.
Finn-Power hose crimping machine is from Finland,this brand have more than 40 years of experience for manufacturing hose crimping machine.They offer crimpers with good quality and nice design,all their machines are popular,the P32 hose crimping machine and P20 hose crimping machine are hot sale in many countries.
In some ways,Finn-Power products have been the standardized in many crimping machines suppliers.
The brand is established in 1972,UNIFLEX hydraulic hose crimper is made in Germany,as we all know,machine made in Germany means long-life and good quality,UNIFLEX is well know by their quality and “clean” solution,one of their advantages is Greaseless,it means slide bearings on crimping tools, no service and 20% less friction. UNIFLEX claimed that they have reduced the noise level when crimping machine works.Now the company have added more technologies to their crimpers.
O+P is one Italian company of crimping equipment for more than 30 years,in fact they have been able to enter markets worldwide in only 20 years.The growth should thanks to their large product range and good service,also they have established offices in USA,CHINA,INDIA,O+P are well known as the supplier for hose crimping machine in India and China.They create the TUBOMATIC series of crimpers,all the good equipment make O+P a famous worldwide brand.
These three famous brands could offer not only hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings,and also have their own crimping equipment.
There are many hydraulic hose crimping machine suppliers in the world,above brands are most famous,their equipment are good quality,the price also deserve to be expensive.If you want to more choice,you could choose other manufacturers and brands,such as HYDRALOK,D-HYDRO,YEONGLONG and JYCFLEX,these hydraulic hose crimper brands could also offer your the professional solution.If you have not enough budget,you could also choose a second hand hose crimping machine.